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Goal #52: In a foreign language

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Thank you to Angela and Harshdeep Sikarwar for teaching us the Hindi for orbisculate. Angela Jimenez explained the word in Spanish. And instagram user sofi_91-jonsson taught us the Swedish.

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A member of Orbisculation Nation used an Etch A Sketch to write the word in Arabic.

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Adva Goldberg depicted orbisculate in Hebrew when she stitched us this beautiful kippah.

Spanish conjugation of Orbiscular (to orbisculate):


Orbisculo      1st person singular            Orbisculamos  1st person plural

Orbisculas    2nd person singular 

Orbiscula      3rd person singular           Orbisculan      3rd person plural


Noun: Orbisculación


Thank you to Darren Parse for his translation!


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